Following my letter of 17 March

Following my letter of 17 March, describing the new arrangements for dentistry during this COVID-19 outbreak, and guidance on financial support measures, I wanted to provide further clarity about the precise nature of these measures, and specific guidance around the use of aerosol generating procedures (AGPs). Read full CDO Letter COVID-19 Update Position 18 March…

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routine dentistry ‘as normal’ is no longer sustainable

Scottish Government is clear the NHS is on an ‘emergency footing’ during the current COVID-19 outbreak and that providing routine dentistry ‘as normal’ is no longer sustainable. Please read full letter from Tom Ferris, Chief Dental Officer This Memorandum provides information and guidance to independent contractors, (dentists and dental bodies corporate) providing NHS General Dental…

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As we are now in the delay phase of our response to COVID-19 I want to update you on the changes in how we identify and manage potential cases of COVID-19. All symptomatic people to stay at home (self-isolate) from Friday 13 March All people with a new continuous cough and/or high temperature (37.8 degrees…

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COVID-19 – Signing of GP17 forms

In light of the current situation regarding the outbreak of COVID-19, the Scottish Government and NHS Counter Fraud Services have advised that during this period there is no requirement for patients to sign GP17 paper forms or electronic signature pads. This is due to the potential mode of transition of coronavirus. Please note, when completing…

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COVID-19 Community Testing Pathway for GP/LUCS In NHS Lothian

GP’s/LUCS should make an assessment using the most up to date case definition and ensure the patient meets both the clinical and epidemiological criteria. Ideally this assessment should be made over the phone. If the patient is already in the practice or LUCS, follow the primary care guidelines and/or local LUCS pathway.

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Novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV)

If you have a cough, or fever, or shortness of breath and have been to any of these places in the last 14 days: China, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Japan, Taiwan, Macau Stay indoors and phone your GP or NHS 24 (111) for advice If you have been to Wuhan, or…

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