Mass Lothian Interface meeting, Wednesday 24th June, 7.30pm

We would like to invite all clinicians across Lothian, both primary and secondary care, to a Zoom meeting next Wednesday, 24th June from 7.30pm-8.30pm. (Joining details at bottom of email). This will be a unique opportunity for all across primary and secondary care to get together to recognise and celebrate the way our team has…

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Re-opening of Dental Practices-DoD update 19/6/20

COVID-19 Update No 12. Content of this update, Phase 2 recovery, APGs, Laboratory support, Secondary care activity, email accounts. Standard Operating Procedure for Endodontic, Emergency Care in Restorative Dentistry during the COVID-19 Outbreak. Dental Triage Algorithm for GDPs For Management of Acute Dental Problems During COVID Recovery Phase 2.

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Covid-19 testing for dental practice staff

Staff testing to exclude Covid-19 – 18 May 2020 What? There is targeted testing of key healthcare workers (HCW) in critical positions who are self-isolating for Covid-19. Also, there is targeted testing of the household contacts of key healthcare workers in critical positions who are family-isolating for Covid-19. The testing available identifies those currently infected…

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Dear Practitioners, EDINBURGH DENTAL PRACTICES – PPE I refer to our email dated 3 June 2020, regarding PPE arrangements, in relation to dental remobilisation plans Phase 2. Please note we are still awaiting CLO advice. Meantime, PPE stocks have arrived and we aim to get supplies to you in advance of re-opening arrangements. We are…

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Accessing PPE – an update for dental practices in NHS Scotland

A message from Gordon Beattie, Director of National Procurement, NHS National Services Scotland and Paul Cushley, Director of Dentistry, NHS National Services Scotland. Dear Colleague As Director of NHS National Services Scotland National Procurement, I wanted to personally reach out to all dental practices in Scotland to provide you with an update on how we…

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Plans for reopening and PPE

The Cabinet Secretary outlined in Parliament yesterday that it is expected that the Chief Dental Officer will work with dental teams to prepare for a phased introduction of dental services over the course of this month, making sure that plans are fully compliant with current COVID-19 guidance and safe for both patients and staff. As…

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