Scottish Government to address maternity pay shortfall
We’ve been in discussion with the Scottish Government following concerns from pregnant dentists that they are being financially disadvantaged.
This is because the “test period” for calculating maternity payments is now increasingly based on the COVID support payments (80% of pre-pandemic gross Item of Service). This means that such dentists are receiving lower payments than would normally be the case.
We are happy to report that the Government will review its system for calculating maternity payments. The new payment system will also apply to paternity and adoptive leave, and long-term sick leave.
A number of colleagues have contacted us in recent weeks to express their anxiety at this situation. The last thing pregnant dentists need is the additional stress of financial pressures, and the Government has listened to our concerns and taken appropriate action.
The Government has also committed to introducing an intermediate funding model (which may last 1-2 years) before considering a long-term replacement for the SDR. The intermediate arrangements will allow practices to plan their finances, and we are looking forward to contributing to their development.
We look forward to receiving further details in due course but today’s news will provide some much-needed assurances.
Thank you for your continued support.
Best regards,
David McColl
Chair, Scottish Dental Practice Committee