Helping us to help you re COVID in the dental setting
Message sent to dental practices in Lothian
Please ensure that all relevant staff are aware of this message
Sent on behalf of Dental Public Health
Dear all,
We hope you and your families and dental team are keeping safe as the world opens up and case numbers continue to rise. You will probably be aware from the news that the Test & Protect system (contact tracing teams) are under intense pressure with the number of cases.
As a result of this we have a few top tips:
1. Positive staff member – If a member of your dental team tests positive, please proactively contact primary care on who will pass on your details to the dental public health team for follow up. Do not wait for the test and protect team to contact the staff member. This will help us risk assess the workplace setting in a timely manner and ensure any contacts in the workplace setting are isolated and receive appropriate advice.
2. Positive patient – The way we risk assess a situation when a positive patient attends the dental setting will change. Due to the potential time lag in cases being flagged to dental public health we will make a quick phone call to the practice and complete a verbal risk assessment. If a patient notifies you that they have tested positive and dental public health have not yet been in contact, please contact primary care on to allow us to follow up. We will want to know if you have a SOP in place, when it was last updated, does it follow the National SOP and are all staff aware and following the SOP.
3. Lateral flow tests – We strongly encourage all staff to follow the latest guidance, remembering FACTS and to participate in twice weekly lateral flow testing and to upload the results onto the portal. If you are symptomatic, seek a PCR test. Further information is available at at:
4. Vaccination – We also recommend that all staff are vaccinated. Look out for the latest local information on drop-in vaccination centres. Further information is available at:
Emma O’Keefe
Consultant in Dental Public Health