Dear Levy Payers

Dear Levy payer, Following our previous e-mail we would like to update you on some of our work on your behalf over the last few weeks. We have had meetings with Professor Angus Walls (Director of Dentistry Lothian) , Emma O’Keefe (Consultant in Dental Public Health), David Small and Alison McNeillage ( from NHS Lothian)…

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Drugs for the Management of Dental Problems During COVID-19 Pandemic

This supplement to the SDCEP guide on the Management of Acute Dental Problems During COVID-19 Pandemic includes information based on the SDCEP Drug Prescribing for Dentistry guidance. It lists the drug regimens that dentists are most likely to remotely advise or prescribe for their patients during the COVID-19 pandemic to support Advice & Self Help…

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Alcohol-based hand rubs – risk of fire. Reference: IM/2020/008

Incident Reporting & Investigation Centre. This information message is sent to draw the attention of Equipment Co-ordinators to information which may be relevant to the safety of equipment and facilities in NHS Boards and Local Authorities. Please find the information below. IRIC is drawing attention to an incident in which someone used alcohol-based hand rub…

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Early public holiday in May

You will all be aware of the confusion that abounded with the change of the early public holiday in May from the 4th to the 8th by the UK government and then by NHSL deciding that it would continue with the 4th as a public holiday and the 8th would be a normal working day.

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Redeployment and Update on Urgent Care provision

Thank you for the fantastic response to the request for volunteers from within the GDS workforce, we have close to 400 dentists and a further 200 or so dental nurses / hygienist/therapist / reception staff who have all generously expressed a desire to “do something”. The burning question of course is what!

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