2017 Conference Feedback
As in previous years, the staff of Stirling Court Hotel provided a great service throughout conference.
Conference invited six Vocational Dental Practitioners for a third year following the positive feedback from those who attended previously, and welcomed four to the event. The Conference Agenda Committee felt this was a good way of introducing young graduates to the work of the LDC’s and the way Conference helps shape the dental policy of SDPC. It is hoped this will stimulate the political interest of younger dentists in the future for the future.
Congratulations to Gerard Boyle winner of this year’s ‘Name that Tune …. And the Artist’ charity quiz with a top mark of 20 out of 20. A total of £260 was raised for the Charity, Scottish Association for Mental Health.
43 evaluation forms were completed and returned out of a total of 71. The majority of comments were positive indicating conference was a success. Respondents all agreed that the conference addressed the issues affecting general dental practitioners in Scotland. It was good to note that the younger dentists present had thought the event was beneficial to them. Positive comments were made about the venue, facilities and the conference speakers.
Additional comments included:
- Conference was excellent
- Conference was very interesting and benefical for young dentists, especially VDPs
- Until attending this conference little was told to me and other young dentists regarding the political side and issues surrounding dentistry
- I feel it is important to attend and to continue to engage VDPs & young dentists
- We have lots of women, associates and younger dentists at conference, this must be reflected at SDPC level
- The issues discussed will strongly affect our futures
- Presentation times too short and a pity there were so few questions
Conference closed on a positive note following the inauguration of David McIntyre as the new Chair of Conference.